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Benefits of Joining Admitad to Advertise Your Affiliate Program

Launching an affiliate program is a complex and crucial step. But how can you ensure that it attracts publishers and starts making money from scratch? The Admitad affiliate program includes over 300,000 affiliate contacts who are eager to showcase your program. 

In this post we will show how your business can benefit from advertising your products online through your own affiliate program.

What Advertising Options Are Available For Your Business?

Admitad offers a range of advertising options to amplify the visibility of your program and drive engagement with potential partners. 

Direct Communications

Engage with publishers directly through Admitad’s direct communication channels. 

Utilize emails, notifications, and pop-ups to establish meaningful connections with potential partners, share program updates, and communicate special offers. 

Direct communications enable you to tailor your messaging and reach out to publishers who align with your program’s objectives.


Through smart segmentation, our emails bypass spam folders and reach users’ primary inboxes, ensuring they engage with relevant content.

The percentage of the emails that were opened by users out of all the delivered emails is close to an impressive 19.5%.

Tailor essential program details to your target audience, aligning with your program category for maximum impact.

Keep publishers updated on current sales and exclusive conditions to boost engagement.

Customize your audience based on location, traffic type, and product categories they specialize in, optimizing relevance and driving conversions.


Stay top-of-mind with publishers by utilizing notifications to deliver timely updates and relevant information about your program. 

Use for direct messages about your hot events, affiliate programs, and updates.

Publishers are unable to unsubscribe from these notifications, expanding the potential reach of your message to a wider audience.

The open rate is approximately 5% due to the nature of these messages, as users may read them without even opening them.


Capture the attention of publishers with strategically placed pop-ups that showcase your program’s offerings and benefits. 

Pop-ups serve as an effective way to grab the interest of visitors, convey key messages about your program, and encourage engagement. 

Benefits of Advertising Your Affiliate Programs With Admitad

At Admitad, we understand the importance of smart segmentation in delivering targeted and impactful messages to your audience. 

Our sophisticated approach ensures that your emails are strategically curated to avoid spam filters and irrelevant inboxes, guaranteeing that your message reaches the right recipients at the right time.

Smart Segmentation

We believe in sharing the most critical details of your affiliate program with precision and relevance. 

By categorizing communications based on your program category, we ensure that publishers receive tailored information about your running sales, special conditions, and exclusive offers. 

Audience segmentation further allows us to customize messages based on location, traffic type, and product categories, ensuring that your program resonates with the right partners.

Promo Banners

Promotional banners are strategically positioned across various touchpoints to maximize visibility and engagement. 

Whether it’s in the Admitad Store, within the publisher’s account, or throughout our platform, Admitad’s choice of banners is designed to capture attention and drive action. 

By featuring bright banners with compelling visuals, relevant descriptions, and a direct “Join” button, your program gains exposure to publishers actively seeking new affiliate campaigns with higher commissions and special incentives.


Placing banners in publishers’ account dashboards is a proven strategy to enhance your brand’s visibility and reach. 

As the most visited page by our partners, the publisher’s dashboard serves as a prime location to showcase your program, maximizing ad impressions and driving engagement. 

Banner Ads

With 27,000 impressions, 80 clicks, and 70 program joins on average, banner ads deliver tangible results that drive growth and success for your affiliate program.

Business Case Study

At Admitad, we recognize the power of showcasing your brand’s achievements and unique strategies through a captivating business case study.

Strategic Promotion 

A business case study offers an opportunity to share your brand’s journey, challenges, successes, consumer portfolio, and relationships with publishers. Through a well-crafted narrative, you can engage your audience, convey your brand’s story, and highlight the strategies that have propelled your success. 

Admitad has already partnered with popular brands such as Nayomi, ShopCash, Flynas, and Acer. This partnership resulted in increased revenue and brand awareness.

Personalized Storytelling 

Utilize your unique tone of voice and style to narrate your success story authentically. By sharing insights into your brand’s growth, achievements, and partnerships, you can connect with your audience on a deeper level and demonstrate the value your brand brings to the table. 


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